Transplantation, Homologous
Disseminated candidosis following aortic valve homograft replacement and tracheostomy.
Disseminated candidosis following aortic valve homograft replacement and tracheostomy. Journal of medical microbiology//J Med Microbiol. 1968;1(2):220-3.
What is the true significance of donor-related cytomegalovirus transmission in the setting of facial composite tissue allotransplantation?.
What is the true significance of donor-related cytomegalovirus transmission in the setting of facial composite tissue allotransplantation?. Transplantation proceedings//Transplant Proc. 2011;43(9):3516-20.
Endocarditis caused by Paecilomyces varioti affecting an aortic valve allograft.
Endocarditis caused by Paecilomyces varioti affecting an aortic valve allograft. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery//J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1971;61(2):278-81.
Serratia marcescens endocarditis. A review of the literature and report of a case involving a homograft replacement of the aortic valve.
Serratia marcescens endocarditis. A review of the literature and report of a case involving a homograft replacement of the aortic valve. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)//Arch Surg. 1969;98(3):287-91.
Septic arthritis following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using tendon allografts--Florida and Louisiana, 2000.
Septic arthritis following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using tendon allografts--Florida and Louisiana, 2000. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report//MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2001;50(48):1081-3.
Acute lung Injury in a healthy donor during mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells using granulocyte-colony stimulating factor alone.
Acute lung Injury in a healthy donor during mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells using granulocyte-colony stimulating factor alone. Haematologica//Haematologica. 2005;90(3):ECR10.
Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes after allograft implantation--Colorado, 2003.
Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes after allograft implantation--Colorado, 2003.. Vol 52. United States; 2003. (MMWR MorbMortalWklyRep; vol 52; no 48).