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Cancers in renal transplant recipients. Adv Ren Replace Ther. 2000;7(2):147-56.
HPV subtype analysis in lower genital tract neoplasms of female renal transplant recipients. Gynecol Oncol. 2000;79(2):220-4.
Liver transplantation for cholangiocarcinoma: results in 207 patients. Transplantation. 2000;69(8):1633-7.
Post-transplant malignancy: the role of immunosuppression. Drug Saf. 2000;23(2):101-13.
Some problems with posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease. Transplantation. 2000;69(5):705-6.
Merkel's cell carcinoma in organ recipients: report of 41 cases. Transplantation. 1999;68(11):1717-21.
Posttransplant malignancies. Transplant Proc. 1999;31(40575):1260-2.
De novo malignances in pediatric organ transplant recipients. Pediatr Transplant. 1998;2(1):56-63.
Occurrence of cancers in immunosuppressed organ transplant recipients. Clin Transpl. 1998:147-58.
Peritoneal metastasis of intracranial glioblastoma via a ventriculoperitoneal shunt preventing organ retrieval: case report and review of the literature. Clin Transplant. 1998;12(4):348-50.
Primary malignancies of the hepato-biliary-pancreatic system in organ allograft recipients. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 1998;5(2):157-64.
Evaluation of transplant candidates with pre-existing malignancies. Ann Transplant. 1997;2(4):14-7.
Kaposi's sarcoma in transplant recipients. Transplantation. 1997;64(5):669-73.
Overview of the problem of cancer in organ transplant recipients. Ann Transplant. 1997;2(4):5-6.
Results of renal transplantation in patients with renal cell carcinoma and von Hippel-Lindau disease. Transplantation. 1997;64(12):1726-9.
Skin disorders in organ transplant recipients. External anogenital lesions. Arch Dermatol. 1997;133(2):221-3.
Transmission of cancer from organ donors. Ann Transplant. 1997;2(4):7-12.
Cancers in cyclosporine-treated vs azathioprine-treated patients. Transplant Proc. 1996;28(2):876-8.
Evaluation of the candidate with a previous malignancy. Liver Transpl Surg. 1996;2(5 Suppl 1):109-13.
Malignant melanoma in organ allograft recipients. Transplantation. 1996;61(2):274-8.
Neoplasia: an example of plasticity of the immune response. Transplant Proc. 1996;28(4):2089-93.
Oral presentation of posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorders. An unusual manifestation. Transplantation. 1996;61(3):435-40.
Posttransplantation de novo tumors in liver allograft recipients. Liver Transpl Surg. 1996;2(1):52-9.
Renal transplantation exposes patients with previous Kaposi's sarcoma to a high risk of recurrence. Transplantation. 1996;62(4):463-6.
Testicular seminoma originating in an undescended testis in a renal allograft recipient. Urology. 1996;48(1):145-8.