Probable Donor-Derived Human Adenovirus Type 34 Infection in 2 Kidney Transplant Recipients From the Same Donor

TitleProbable Donor-Derived Human Adenovirus Type 34 Infection in 2 Kidney Transplant Recipients From the Same Donor
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPettengill MA, Babu TM, Prasad P, Chuang S, Drage MG, Menegus M, Lamson DM, Lu X, Erdman D, Pecora N
Date PublishedDec

Human adenovirus type 34 (HAdV-34) infection is a recognized cause of transplant-associated hemorrhagic cystitis and, in rare cases, tubulointerstitial nephritis. The source of such infections is often difficult to assess, that is, whether acquired as a primary infection, exposure to a pathogen in the transplanted organ, or reactivation of an endogenous latent infection. We present here 2 cases of likely transplant-acquired HAdV-34 infection from the same organ donor, manifesting as tubulointerstitial nephritis in 1.

Alternate JournalOpen Forum Infect Dis.
Notify Library Reference ID5053

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