A Confirmed Ehrlichia ewingii Infection Likely Acquired Through Platelet Transfusion.

TitleA Confirmed Ehrlichia ewingii Infection Likely Acquired Through Platelet Transfusion.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsRegan J, Matthias J, Green-Murphy A, Stanek D, Bertholf M, Pritt B, Sloan L, Kelly A, Singleton J, McQuiston J, Hocevar S, Whittle J
Journal//Clin. infect. dis.
Paginatione105 - 107
Date Published2013
ISBN Number1058-4838
Keywordsehrlichiosis, leukoreduction, tick-borne, transfusion

Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne disease that ranges in severity from asymptomatic infection to fatal sepsis. Ehrlichiosis acquired from transfusion of blood products has not been documented in the literature to date. A case of Ehrlichia ewingii infection likely transmitted by transfusion of leukoreduced platelets is described, and public health implications are discussed., (C) Copyright Oxford University Press 2013.

Notify Library Reference ID4095

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