Allergic shock syndrome

Record number: 
Adverse Occurrence type: 
MPHO Type: 
Estimated frequency: 
Time to detection: 
7 months
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
A 42-year-old woman with history of sarcoidosis underwent a successful bilateral lung transplant from a donor who died from anaphylactic shock after eating peanut-related food. Seven months later, she had an anaphylactic reaction following the ingestion of a peanut butter cookie, but survived with prompt treatment.
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
During subsequent follow-up, the recipient could recall three prior episodes of wheezing and difficulty breathing after eating peanut-related foods (first episode 4 days after the transplant). No peanut allergy known in the recipient before transplantation. Allergy confirmed by clinical symptoms and allergological tests. Peanut allergy found out retrospectively in donor after careful investigation; exposure/reaction occurred 3 months after transplantation
Suggest references: 