Case report: Metastatic donor-derived ovarian cancer in a male kidney transplant recipient (2009)

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Most recent risk assessment for ovarian cancer (Council of Europe, 2022): Ovarian cancer is considered an unacceptable risk for organ donation. Ovarian cancer in the donor history: Treated ovarian cancer is considered high-risk for organ donation. Depending on initial stage, grade, therapy and time of recurrence-free survival (> 5 years), the risk category might decrease individually.
Time to detection: 
6 months
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
The recipient presented with malaise, increased abdominal girth, fever, anorexia and nausea, also to be pancytopenic with schistocytes. Physical examination revealed splenomegaly and ascites. CT imaging revealed a heterogeneous mass anterior to the right psoas muscle adjacent to the transplanted kidney with enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes.
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
A male recipient recived kidney from a female donor. Histopathology of the removed kidney revealed poorly differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma most consistent with ovarian origin confirmed by mucin stain and immunohistochemistry. Karyotyping demonstrated that the abnormal cells had a female karyotype indicating donor origin.
Imputability grade: 
3 Definite/Certain/Proven
Groups audience: 
Suggest new keywords: 
Ovarian cancer
Metastatic disease
Suggest references: 
Lipshutz, G.S.; Mihara, N.; Wong, R.; Wallace, W.D.; Allen-Auerbach, M.; Dorigo, O.; Rao, P.N.; Pham, P.C.; Pham, P.T. Death from metastatic donor-derived ovarian cancer in a male kidney transplant recipient Am J Transplant 2009; 9 (2) :428 - 32
Expert comments for publication: 
Second (female) recipient also sustained transmitted ovarian carcinoma (reported as case 1545). Both patients treated but expired with tumor.