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McCormack L., Quinonez E., Goldaracena N., Anders M., Rodriguez V., F. Ganem O, et al. Liver Transplantation Using Chagas-Infected Donors in Uninfected Recipients: A Single-Center Experience Without Prophylactic Therapy. Vol 12.; 2012.
M Hijosa M, A Melgar A, Urrutia MJ, C Meseguer G, E Monereo J, M Torres N. Living-donor transplantation after excision of unrecognized renal cancer diagnosed after transplant. Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;27(12):9.
Johnson ST, Cable RG, Leiby DA. Lookback investigations of Babesia microti-seropositive blood donors: seven-year experience in a Babesia-endemic area. Transfusion// Transfusion. 2012;52(7):1509-16.
Haagerup A. A mosaic sperm donor fathers a large group of half sibs with NF1. Rapid Response Re: Danish sperm donor passed neurofibromatosis on to five children . BMJ. 2012;345.
Tomblyn M, Chen M, Kukreja M, Aljurf MD, F Mohareb A, Bolwell BJ, et al. No increased mortality from donor or recipient hepatitis B- and/or hepatitis C-positive serostatus after related-donor allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(5):6.
de Boer M, Vink A, van de Graaf EA. Non-small cell lung carcinoma of donor origin after bilateral lung transplantation. Lung Cancer. 2012;76(2):59.
Goldberg E., Bishara J., Lev S., Singer P., Cohen J.. Organ transplantation from a donor colonized with a multidrug-resistant organism: a case report. //Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(3):296-299.
Ariza-Heredia E., Patel R., Blumberg E., Walker R., Lewis R., Evans J., et al. Outcomes of transplantation using organs from a donor infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing K. pneumoniae. //Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(3):229-236.
Mejia R., Booth G., Fedorko D., Hsieh M., Khuu H., Klein HG, et al. Peripheral blood stem cell transplant-related Plasmodium falciparum infection in a patient with sickle cell disease.. Vol 52. United States; 2012. (Transfusion; vol 52; no 12).
Brown JH, Tellez J, Wilson V, Mackie IJ, Scully M, Tredger MM, et al. Postpartum aHUS secondary to a genetic abnormality in factor H acquired through liver transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2012;12(6):2.
Kulkarni A, Sinha M, Anandh U. Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis due to Cryptococcous laurentii in a renal transplant recipient. Saudi JKidney DisTranspl. 2012;23(1):2.
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Bhaumik S. Rabies after corneal transplantation: non-canine rabies and eye banking. The National medical journal of India// // Natl Med J India. 2012;25(4):249-50.
Masthi NR, Raviprakash D, Gangasagara SB, Sriprakash KS, Ashwin BY, Ullas PT, et al. Rabies in a blind patient: confusion after corneal transplantation. The National medical journal of India// // Natl Med J India. 2012;25(2):83-4.
Blaich A, Manz M, Dumoulin A, Schuttler CG, Hirsch HH, Gerlich WH, et al. Reactivation of hepatitis B virus with mutated hepatitis B surface antigen in a liver transplant recipient receiving a graft from an antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen- and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen-positive donor. Transfusion// // Transfusion. 2012;52(9):1999-2006.
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Weber C, Craig R, Milner R. Repair of a Left Brachial Artery PseudoaneurysmAfter Blood Donation in a 17-Year-Old Male.. 2012;9(1):1.
Niederhauser C, Candotti D, Weingand T, Maier A, Tinguely C, Stolz M, et al. Reverse vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection from a transfusion-infected newborn to her mother. Journal of hepatology// J Hepatol. 2012;56(3):734-7.
Styczynski J, Balduzzi A, Gil L, Labopin M, Hamladji RM. Risk of complications during hematopoietic stem cell collection in pediatric sibling donors: a prospective European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Pediatric DiseasesWorking Party study.. 2012;119(12):35.
Bumbacea D, Arend SM, Eyuboglu F, Fishman JA, Goletti D, Ison MG, et al. The risk of tuberculosis in transplant candidates and recipients: a TBNET consensus statement. Eur Respir J. 2012;40(4):99.
Greco-Stewart VS, Brown EE, Parr C, Kalab M, Jacobs MR, Yomtovian RA, et al. Serratia marcescens strains implicated in adverse transfusion reactions form biofilms in platelet concentrates and demonstrate reduced detection by automated culture. Vox sanguinis// // Vox Sang. 2012;102(3):212-20.
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Martins N., Martins I., de Freitas W., de Matos J., Magalhaes A., Girao V., et al. Severe infection in a lung transplant recipient caused by donor-transmitted carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. //Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(3):316-320.
Martins N, Martins IS, de Freitas WV, de Matos JA, Magalhaes AC, Girao VB, et al. Severe infection in a lung transplant recipient caused by donor-transmitted carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. TransplInfectDis. 2012;14(3):16.
Tangnararatchakit K, Tirapanich W, Tapaneya-Olarn W, Sumethkul V, Sirachainan N, Watcharananan S, et al. Severe nonfebrile dengue infection in an adolescent after postoperative kidney transplantation: a case report. TransplantProc. 2012;44(1).
