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Donor-Derived Strongyloides stercoralis Infections in Renal Transplant Recipients. Transplantation. 2011;91(9):1019-1024.
Donor-transmitted adenovirus infection causing kidney allograft nephritis and graft loss. //Transpl Infect Dis. 2011;13(2):168-173.
Donor-Transmitted Malignancies in Organ Transplantation: Assessment of Clinical Risk. Am J Transplant. 2011;11(6):1140-1147.
Estimated Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Potential Organ Donors from 17 Organ Procurement Organizations in the United States. Am J Transplant. 2011;11(6):1201-1208.
Fulminant hepatitis following primary herpes simplex virus infection. Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia//Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011;22(1):107-11.
Guidance on Vigilance & Surveillance in Assisted Reproductive Technologies. EU Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health; 2011.
HIV Transmitted from a living organ donor. MMWR. 2011;60(10):297-299.
Incidence and transfusion risk factors for transfusion-associated circulatory overload among medical intensive care unit patients. //Transfusion. 2011;51(2):338-343.
The incidence, risk factors, and outcome of transfusion-related acute lung injury in a cohort of cardiac surgery patients: a prospective nested case-control study. Blood//Blood. 2011;117(16):4218-25.
Interventions to reduce the vasovagal reaction rate in young whole blood donors. //Transfusion. 2011;51(7):1511-1521.
Investigation of Babesia microti infection in two renal transplant recipients. Transfusion. 2011;51(3S):194A.
Kidneys from patients with small renal tumours used for transplantation: outcomes and results. Curr Opin Urol. 2011;21(5).
Late cytomegalovirus transmission and impact of T-depletion in clinical islet transplantation. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons//Am J Transplant. 2011;11(12):2708-14.
Malaria surveillance - United States, 2009. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2011;60(3):1-15.
Malassezia cuniculi sp. nov., a novel yeast species isolated from rabbit skin. Med Mycol. 2011;49(1):40-8.
A mild acute hemolytic transfusion reaction in a patient with alloanti-Ge3: a case report and review of the literature. Transfusion//Transfusion. 2011;51(9):1966-71.
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: a contraindication for living kidney donation? NDT Plus. 2011;4(4):6.
Next-generation sequencing of Coccidioides immitis isolated during cluster investigation. EmergInfectDis. 2011;17(2):7.
Notes from the Field: Transplant-Transmitted Balamuthia mandrillaris - Arizona, 2010. Am J Transplant. 2011;11(1):176.
Notes from the field: transplant-transmitted hepatitis B virus --- United States, 2010.. Vol 60. United States; 2011. (MMWR MorbMortalWklyRep; vol 60; no 32).
Notify exploring vigilance notification for organs, tissues and cells. Bologna: Editrice compositori; 2011.
Organ retrieval in donors suspected of cancer: single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 2011;43(8).
Periumbilical parasitic thumbprint purpura: Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome acquired from a cadaveric renal transplant. Transpl Infect Dis. 2011;13:58-62.
Physiologic strategies to prevent fainting responses during or after whole blood donation. Transfusion. 2011;51(12):2727-38.
Platelet transfusions from D+ donors to D- patients: a 10-year follow-up study of 1014 patients. Transfusion. 2011;51(6):1163-9.