14.2.1 Deceased donors

Strategies to minimize the risk of malignancy transmission related to donor evaluation through the transfer of MPHO are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5. Strategies to minimize the risk of malignancy transmission through MPHO.

Detailed medical history:
  • History of malignancy: date of first diagnosis, detailed histological report including stage, grade, type and date of surgery,
    chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, regular follow-up visits conducted, latest follow-up visit and results,
    complete remission and tumor recurrence at any time
  • Life style habits related to neoplastic diseases (i.e. smoking behavior)
  • Menstrual irregularities after pregnancies and/or miscarriages in women

Physical examination

Laboratory tests:
  • Standard
  • Tumour markers, i.e. βHCG, PSA, in selected cases

Image tests:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • CT or other in selected cases
Inspection of all intra-thoracic and intra-abdominal organs, regardless of their eligibility for transplantation, including bowel and genital organs
Histopathological examination of any mass or lymphadenopathy identified during evaluation or recovery-including ISOL*
Recommended autopsy when possible
Guidelines for donor evaluation, testing and selection
*ISOL: intracranial space occupying lesions