Molecular monitoring of organ recipients from cancer-affected donors by detection of circulating tumor cells

TitleMolecular monitoring of organ recipients from cancer-affected donors by detection of circulating tumor cells
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsGabusi E, Corti B, D'Errico A, Ridolfi L, Ercolani G, Venettoni S, Nanni Costa A, Grigioni WF
JournalTransplantation Proceedings
Pagination1344 - 7
Date PublishedJun
Type of ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
ISSN0041-1345 (Print) 0041-1345 (Linking)
Accession Number15251328
Keywords*Kidney Neoplasms / pathology, *Prostatic Neoplasms / pathology, *Tissue Donors, Base Sequence, DNA Primers, Humans, Kidney Transplantation / *pathology, Liver Transplantation / *pathology, Male, Monitoring, Physiologic / *methods, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction, Sensitivity and Specificity

We have initiated regular molecular monitoring based on nested RT-PCR detection of circulating tumor cells for monitoring recipients of organs from cancer-affected donors in Italy (in the context of a "Donation Safety and Donated Organ Quality" project organized by the Centro Nazionale Trapianti). Five patients are being monitored. For two patients who each received a kidney from a single donor with prostate adenocarcinoma, RT-PCR was performed using PSA mRNA. For three recipients of organs (two livers and one kidney) from donors with renal cell carcinoma, RT-PCR was performed using cytokeratine 18 and 19 mRNA. Blood samples from five healthy subjects were used as negative controls. After a median monitoring time of 26 months (range 8 to 32), none of the regular 3-month assays has tested positive. This pilot study suggests that detection of circulating tumor cells by nested RT-PCR may provide a feasible molecular monitoring, which might assist decision making regarding other forms of clinical surveillance.

Alternate JournalTransplant Proc
Notify Library Reference ID559

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