Donor-acquired small cell lung cancer following pulmonary transplantation

TitleDonor-acquired small cell lung cancer following pulmonary transplantation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsDe Soyza AG, Dark JH, Parums DV, Curtis A, PA C
Date PublishedSep

We describe a case of donor-acquired small cell lung cancer after pulmonary transplantation for cystic fibrosis. The recipient was an ex-smoker with minimal smoking history and had been abstinent for 20 years. At the time of death, the donor chest radiographic finding was normal. The recipient had multiple posttransplant bronchoscopies and a normal CT scan result at 4 months after transplantation. The recipient presented 13 months after transplantation with metastatic disease. He did not respond to chemotherapy and died shortly thereafter. Molecular genetic techniques revealed that the primary tumor and metastases were different to recipient tissues, confirming the donor origin.

Alternate JournalChest
Notify Library Reference ID4712