Incidence of death and potentially life-threatening near-miss events in living donor hepatic lobectomy: A world-wide survey.

TitleIncidence of death and potentially life-threatening near-miss events in living donor hepatic lobectomy: A world-wide survey.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsCheah Y, Simpson M, Pomposelli J, Pomfret E
JournalLiver Transplantation
Pagination499 - 506
Date Published2013
ISBN Number1527-6465

: The incidence of morbidity and mortality after living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is not well understood because reporting is not standardized and relies on single-center reports. Aborted hepatectomies (AHs) and potentially life-threatening near-miss events (during which a donor's life may be in danger but after which there are no long-term sequelae) are rarely reported. We conducted a worldwide survey of programs performing LDLT to determine the incidence of these events. A survey instrument was sent to 148 programs performing LDLT. The programs were asked to provide donor demographics, case volumes, and information about graft types, operative morbidity and mortality, near-miss events, and AHs. Seventy-one programs (48%), which performed donor hepatectomy 11,553 times and represented 21 countries, completed the survey. The average donor morbidity rate was 24%, with 5 donors (0.04%) requiring transplantation. The donor mortality rate was 0.2% (23/11,553), with the majority of deaths occurring within 60 days, and all but 4 deaths were related to the donation surgery. The incidences of near-miss events and AH were 1.1% and 1.2%, respectively. Program experience did not affect the incidence of donor morbidity or mortality, but near-miss events and AH were more likely in low-volume programs (

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