Haemovigilance data on the use of methylene blue virally inactivated fresh frozen plasma with the Theraflex MB-Plasma System in comparison to quarantine plasma: 11 years' experience.

TitleHaemovigilance data on the use of methylene blue virally inactivated fresh frozen plasma with the Theraflex MB-Plasma System in comparison to quarantine plasma: 11 years' experience.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPolitis C., Kavallierou L., Hantziara S., Parara M., Zervou E., Katsarou O., Hatzitaki M., Fountouli P., Gioka A., Tzioura K., Koumarianos S., Asariotou M., Richardson C.
Journal//Transfus Med
Pagination316 - 320
Date Published2014
ISBN Number0958-7578
Other Numbersbu7, 9301182
Keywordsblood quality, haemovigilance, pathogen inactivation

Objectives/Background: Haemovigilance is an effective tool for identifying adverse effects of blood components. We analyse cumulative haemovigilance data in order to compare the two secured therapeutic plasmas that have been in use for more than 11 years in Greece - methylene blue-treated fresh frozen plasma (MB-FFP) and quarantine fresh frozen plasma (Q-FFP) - regarding safety and adverse events., Methods/Materials: Data from the centralised active haemovigilance system of Greece for the period 2001-2011 were used to examine the association between FFP types and adverse events. Post-transfusion information on infectious and non-infectious adverse events was analysed. Events were examined by reaction type, severity and imputability to transfusion., Results: The incidence of adverse events was higher with Q-FFP (1:3620) than MB-FFP (1:24 593) by a factor of 6[middle dot]79 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2[middle dot]52-27[middle dot]8]. Allergic adverse events were also commoner with Q-FFP (1:7489) than with MB-FFP (1:24 593), by a factor of 3[middle dot]28 (95% CI 1[middle dot]17-13[middle dot]7). All adverse reactions experienced by the MB plasma recipients were considered to be mild., Conclusion: Haemovigilance over 11 years has demonstrated the long-term safety of MB-FFP in comparison to untreated quarantine FFP. In addition to lowering the adverse event rate, implementing the system on a national scale in at-risk countries would presumably reduce the transmission of severe viral infections including emerging infectious diseases by transfusion., (C) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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