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Adverse Occurrence type:
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Most recent risk assessment for Lung Cancer (Council of Europe, 2022): Any histotype of newly-diagnosed lung cancer is an unacceptable risk for organ donation. Lung cancer in the donor history: Treated lung cancer is considered to be associated with a high transmission risk. Risk may decrease after curative therapy, with recurrence-free time and with increasing probability of cure.
Time to detection:
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence:
Not reported
Demonstration of imputability or root cause:
First report of DTAC (Disease Transmission Advisory Committee) of OPTN regarding data from January 2005 to December 2007. Reports of potential donor-derived transmission events are required from transplant centers according to OPTN policy 4.7. Algorithmic approach supplemented by expert discussion is used to determine imputability. Proven or probable cases are considered positive. Details of individual cases not reported due to legal considerations. In this series 5 donors with lung adenocarcinoma; Two transmissions with two deaths. Latency and follow-up mostly not reported. Authors assume underreporting due to lack of awareness of the problem but expect an improvement over the years. Lung adenocarcinoma reported prior to 2007, limited data available to draw conclusions.
Imputability grade:
2 Probable
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Suggest new keywords:
Registry series
DTAC [Disease Transmission Advisory Committee]
Lung cancer, adenocarcinoma
Suggest references:
Green M et al. Donor-derived transmission events in 2013: a report of the Organ Procurement Transplant Network Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee. Transplantation 2-15 99(2): 282-287.
Ison MG and Nalesnik MA. An update on donor-derived disease transmission in organ transplantation. Am J Transplant 2011; 11:1123-1130.
Reviewed with intent to incorporate registry references into library; open for additional suggestions.
Expert comments for publication:
Additional update of this series available (Green M et al, Transplantation 2015; 99(2):282-7). In absence of specific case data, imputability is considered probable, although an individual case may have been probable or proven.