Incorrect CD34 count

Record number: 
Adverse Occurrence type: 
MPHO Type: 
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
During processing, Whilst performing the CD34+ cell count at the collection centre
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
The CD34+ cell count performed at the collection centre was reported at 5.7x10^6/kg and this resulted in only one collection being performed. The transplant centre achived a CD34+ count of 2.12x10^6 / kg the requested cell count was 5 x10^6/kg. The collection centre performed the CD34+ count again and achived 2.5 x 10^6/kg. The error was reported to be down to an operator error.
Suggest references: 
World Marrow Donor Association.S(P)EAR Committee Annual Report - year 2012