Would you say you "had sex" if...?

TitleWould you say you "had sex" if...?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsSanders SA, Reinisch JM
Pagination275 - 7
Date PublishedJan
Accession Number9918484
KeywordsAdult, Coitus, Data Collection, Female, Humans, Male, Public Opinion, Sexual Abstinence, Sexual Behavior, Terminology as Topic, United States

The current public debate regarding whether oral sex constitutes having "had sex" or sexual relations has reflected a lack of empirical data on how Americans as a population define these terms.|To determine which interactions individuals would consider as having "had sex."|A question was included in a survey conducted in 1991 that explored sexual behaviors and attitudes among a random stratified sample of 599 students representative of the undergraduate population of a state university in the Midwest.|The participants originated from 29 states, including all 4 US Census Bureau geographic regions. Approximately 79% classified themselves as politically moderate to conservative.|Percentage of respondents who believed the interaction described constituted having "had sex."|Individual attitudes varied regarding behaviors defined as having "had sex": 59% (95% confidence interval, 54%-63%) of respondents indicated that oral-genital contact did not constitute having "had sex" with a partner. Nineteen percent responded similarly regarding penile-anal intercourse.|The findings support the view that Americans hold widely divergent opinions about what behaviors do and do not constitute having "had sex."

Notify Library Reference ID1355

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