Case report: Melanoma transmitted by ocular limbal stem cell transplant (2017)

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Adverse Occurrence type: 
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Most recent risk assessment for melanoma (Council of Europe, 2022): Due to the very aggressive behaviour of this tumour, it is considered an unacceptable risk for organ donation. Malignant melanoma in the donor history: Due to the lack of exhaustive data, transplanting organs from donors with treated malignant melanoma must still be considered to be associated with a high transmission risk. If precise donor data about staging, therapy, follow-up, and recurrence-free survival are available, and evaluation by the dermato-oncologist concludes there is a low probability of recurrence and metastasis, organ donation might be considered for selected recipients. Note: In addition to the Council of Europe recommendations, the Eye Bank Association of America excludes potential donors with any history of melanoma from donating keratolimbal tissue (guidelines available at The European Eye Bank Association had excluded such donors prior to this case report (guidelines available at
Time to detection: 
2.5 months (10 weeks)
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
Sudden decrease in visual acuity of right eye (the eye that received the transplant). Subconjunctival hemorrhage seen on examination. CT scan showed 1.8x1.5 cm intraorbital soft tissue mass. Biopsy confirmed melanoma.
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
Donor subsequently found to have died of metastatic melanoma. Both donor and recipient tumors BRAF negative.
Imputability grade: 
3 Definite/Certain/Proven
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Case Report
Deceased donor
Keratolimbal transplant
Ocular tissue transplant
Histologic analysis
Therapy discussed
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Alsara A, Rafi M. Donor-transmitted melanoma after limbal stem cell transplantation. Avicenna J Med. 2017 Apr-Jun;7(2):75-77. doi: 10.4103/2231-0770.203609. PMID: 28469991; PMCID: PMC5398008.
Uploaded MN 5/8/22 First review MN 11/21/23 Second review KM 7/1/24 New MPHO type added: Tissues/Ocular/Limbal tissue (EP)
Expert comments for publication: 
This is the first report of donor melanoma transmitted by keratolimbal (limbal stem cell) transplant. Following report of this case, the Eye Bank Association of America changed their criteria to exclude donors with any history of melanoma from becoming keratolimbal tissue donors. The patient insisted on preserving her eyeball and underwent tumor resection with reduction/cessation of immunosuppression (not further specified in this report), followed by topical mitomycin C and was alive at the time of the report with consideration of followup radiotherapy. Additional patient followup information and more detailed tumor course are available in a separate report of this patient (NOTIFY record 2179; Sepsakos L et a., Cornea 36(11): 1415-8, 2017).