Iron deficiency (platelet apheresis donors)

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A total of 48 adult white males between ages 40 to 65 participated in the study; 43 were study subjects and 5 were controls. Eligible study donors were those who had donated platelets or plasma by apheresis without whole blood or RBC donations within 2 years of study enrollment. Lapsed blood donors who had not donated any blood products in the prior 2 years were enrolled as controls. The number of donations in the 12 months preceeding study enrollment determined the donation frequency. Study donors exhibited lower serum ferritin levels than controls (55+/-6 ng/mL vs 230+/-86 ng/mL). However there was no difference in the number who had ferritin levels < 22 ng/mL (0.2 study donors vs 0.0 controls) or who had ferritin levels < 40 ng/mL (0.3 study donors vs 0.2 controls). No study donors or controls had ferritin levels < 12 ng/mL. Study donors also showed evidence of iron-restricted erythropoiesis, demonstrated by decreased log (serum soluble transferrin receptor 1/ferritin).
Time to detection: 
Not applicable
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
Relative iron deficiency, relative iron restricted erythropoeisis
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
This pilot study demonstrated that the study subjects, white male platelet- and plasma-apheresis donors, had lower serum ferritin and serum hepcidin, and exhibited evidence of iron-restricted erythropoiesis relative to controls. In addition, the study donors who donated more frequently had lower MCV, reticulocyte hemoglobin concentration, hepcidin concentration, and ferritin.
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Suggest new keywords: 
platelet-pheresis donor
plasma-pheresis donor
relative iron deficiency
relative iron restricted erythropoeisis
apheresis donation frequency
Suggest references: 
Li H, Condon F, Kessler D, Nandi V, Rebosa M, Westerman M, Shaz BH, Ginzburg Y. Evidence of relative iron deficiency in platelet- and plasma-pheresis donors correlates with donation frequency. J Clin Apher. 2016 Dec;31(6):551-558