Case report: Cervical carcinoma (1991)

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Most recent risk assessment for uterine and cervical cancer (Council of Europe, 2022): The presence of invasive uterus or cervix cancers is considered an unacceptable risk for organ donation. Uterus or uterine cervix cancer in the donor history: After a disease-free interval > 5 years, the transmission risk of invasive uterus and cervix cancers will depend on the probability of cure and has to be assessed individually before accepting the potential donor; no specific recommendations are available from the literature.
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
Autopsy of donor revealed metastatic cervical carcinoma (lymphatic and pulmonary metastasis, at recovery periaortic adenopathy detected). Liver transplant was removed and the patient retransplanted; recipient remains free of tumor without therapy at 1 year followup.
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
Autopsy of donor revealed metastatic cervical carcinoma (lymphatic and pulmonary metastasis, at recovery periaortic adenopathy detected)
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cervical carcinoma
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Detroz, B.; Detry, O.; D'Silva, M.; Pirenne, J.; Defraigne, J.O.; Meurisse, M.; Honore, P.; Jacquet, N. Organ transplantation with undetected donor neoplasm Transplant Proc 1991; 23 (5) :2657
Expert comments for publication: 
Two cases of choriocarcinoma transmission also separately included in this report.