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Specific guidelines for this rare tumor type are not available. This single case report documents transmission of a retinal glioma by transplantation of apparently uninvolved cornea from the ipsilateral eye.
Time to detection:
15-16 months
Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence:
Right eye pain and visual disturbance 15 months after right corneal transplant. Chronic anterior ophthalmitis and glaucoma found on clinical examination; Ophthalmectomy 1 month later.
Demonstration of imputability or root cause:
Donor was 5 year old boy with retinal glioma; Palladium and radium needle therapy caused tumor shrinkage but recurred 16 months later; Ophthalmectomy done. Cornea appeared uninvolved so was used for transplant. Examination of the enucleated eye from the recipient showed intact cornea but glioma was seen to involve iris and ciliary body.
Imputability grade:
3 Definite/Certain/Proven
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Suggest references:
Hata, B. The development of glioma in the eye to which the cornea of patient, who suffered from glioma was transplanted Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jpn 1939; 43 :1763 - 67
Difficult case to track down given the date of the reference (1939). Worth keeping as the eye is part of the CNS and glioma is a consideration that can be possible even without spread beyond the CNS, should try to obtain original article. This is a very unusual report.
Expert comments for publication:
Very old report (1939) documenting transmission of active retinal glioma by transplantation of cornea (from same eye) thought to be uninvolved by tumor.