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A decade followup in early cases of renal homotransplantation. Ann Surg. 1974;180(4):606-16.
Eight- to ten-year follow-up in early cases of renal homotransplantation. Transplant Proc. 1973;5(1):787-91.
The fate of failed renal homografts retained after retransplantation. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1973;137(1):40-2.
Acute pancreatitis and hyperamylasemia in renal homograft recipients. Arch Surg. 1972;105(2):167-72.
Immunopathological studies of orthotopic human liver allografts. Lancet. 1972;1(7745):275-80.
Testicular complications following renal transplantation. Ann Surg. 1972;176(6):697-9.
Cyclophosphamide and human organ transplantation. Lancet. 1971;2(7715):70-4.
Cyclophosphamide and whole organ transplantation in human beings. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1971;133(6):981-91.
De novo malignant tumors in organ transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 1971;3(1):773-8.
Iatrogenic alterations of immunologic surveillance in man and their influence on malignancy. Transplant Rev. 1971;7:112-45.
Immunosuppression, liver injury, and hepatitis in renal, hepatic, and cardiac homograft recipients: with particular reference to the Australia antigen. Ann Surg. 1971;174(4):620-39.
Parenthood in renal homograft recipients. Jama. 1971;216(11):1755-61.
Immunosuppression and malignant neoplasms. N Engl J Med. 1970;283(17):934.
Long-term survival after renal transplantation in humans: (with special reference to histocompatibility matching, thymectomy, homograft glomerulonephritis, heterologous ALG , AND RECIPIENT MALIGNANCY). Ann Surg. 1970;172(3):437-72.
Urological complications in 216 human recipients of renal transplants. Ann Surg. 1970;172(1):1-22.